Balenciaga Bags Handbags Shop Cheap High Quality 1:1 Replica Black Dark Green Mini
$138.00 $201.00
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Mini versionο½Mini dark greenο½
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The new model can be said to be at its peak when it debuts. It is a masterpiece, recreating a new style. The lazy and collapsed shape is not inconsistent with Balenciaga, and it has a rebellious look. Feeling, the leather looks super textured, the black color is calm yet fashionable, and comes in three sizes Adaptable to different heights and capacities, value, practicality and craftsmanship coexist. You can easily integrate it into your outfit by carrying it with you ~ your appearance will make you stand out
Style number: 92866
Size: bottom length 23x height 10x width 8cmC168898 (No accessories)
Brands: Balenciaga